Training school

Training school
  • Date

    22-23 July 2024

  • Fee


About Event

This year’s IGEL Training School will take place from July 22nd till July 23rd, just after the general IGEL conference. In line with the theme of the 2024 conference, the School will cover the topic of “Literature & Narrative: a Question of Perspective”.

The event will be held entirely online, via Zoom platform. It will run from 15:00h until 18:00h CET time, breaks included. A timetable will be uploaded before the event. There is no fee, as this event is free of charge.

The aim of this year’s Training School is to offer students (PhD, postdocs, Master’s…), early-career scholars or anyone interested who is working with empirical approaches to literature and narrative an opportunity to learn about perspectivity with different professors and researchers in a format that will mix theoretical concepts together with applied practice. Berenike Hermann (Bielefeld University) is a professor of German literature who specializes in literary theory and digital humanities. James Carney (London Interdisciplinary School) is a multidisciplinary scholar who researches narratives using experimental and computational methods. Marcello Giovanelli (Aston University) specializes in literary linguistics as well as language and literature within the field of education. Finally, María Ángeles Martínez (University of Alcalá) is a professor of literary linguistics known for her work in Storyworld Possible Selves (SPS) theory.

Early career researchers taking part in the School will have the chance to learn about empirical perspectives in literary and narrative research that cover fields as varied as computation, SPS theory, digital literary stylistics or cognitive poetics. The participants will learn about hands-on projects and actual transdisciplinary lines of research being conducted by the invited speakers, along with the basics of methodological research under this perspective. During the training school attendees will have the chance to think through the principles of perspectivity for their own projects through hands-on sessions.

Note: More senior researchers who might not be interested in the Training School may feel absolutely free to forward this to their students or anyone else they think might benefit from the event.


If you want to participate, please send your application to Rocío Riestra-Camacho at igeltraining[at]gmail[dot]com before June 15th. Your application should include:

  • Your personal information (name, affiliation, research area/interest, and whether you are a PhD student, a Postdoc or other).
  • A brief motivation letter in which you explain why you would like to participate in the training school (150 words max.).

Notification of acceptance will be given by June 21st.

You can use the above email address if you have any questions about the Training School or the application procedure.


Berenike Hermann – Bielefeld University
María-Ángeles Martínez – University of Alcalá
James Carney – The London Interdisciplinary School
Marcello Giovanelli – Aston University, Birmingham

IGEL’s Training School Coordinator is Rocío Riestra Camacho (University of Oviedo), who can be reached via rocioriestra23 [at] gmail [dot] com